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Sunday, August 19, 2018
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Monday, August 13, 2018
Pune Wedding Shoot (PWS)
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Sunday, August 12, 2018
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mistakes to be avoided at Workplace
To avoid getting into any tricky situations at work avoid these five office blunders:
Watch out
You need to be careful of what you say about your previous organization. Don't keep saying how good your previous work place was. This is as bad as telling your current boyfriend that you and your ex-boyfriend were soul mates.
Praising your earlier workplace not only displays a lack of loyalty to your current organisation, but it will also make you look silly. If you loved your old job so much, why did you leave it?
No career planning
Sure, everyone's got their life chalked out, but it's best to keep your plan under wraps. No one in office will appreciate it and who knows, your backstabbing colleague may even apply for the post you wanted!
No blame game
Playing the blame game is dishonest, childish and likely to get you into serious trouble. It's hard to accept a mistake but it's even worse to lie about it.
In addition to this, your lying won't go down too well with colleagues. You will just end up finding yourself increasingly alone at lunch time.
Don't gossip
As much as you are tempted to spread the latest bit of juicy gossip about your boss, it's best to maintain a dignified silence. It's unethical and unprofessional. You don't want to be labeled a big mouth.
Take rest
Sure, you want to look like a martyr but the admiration your boss and co-workers will have for you won't last long. The inevitable coughing, sneezing, hacking and sniffling coming from you will get on their nerves.
And, when germs are involved, they probably won't believe in 'sharing is caring'.
If you follow these simple tips at work you'll probably make a good impression and climb up the corporate ladder faster than you expected to.
(2478 / 1690 visits)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sri Hanuman was born of Anjani from Pavana, the wind-god. He was named Hanuman after the name of the city of Hanumpur over which his maternal uncle Parti Surya ruled. Hanuman's body was hard as a stone. So Anjani named him Vajranga. He is also known by the names "Mahavir" or mightiest hero (because he exhibited several heroic feats), Balibima and Maruti.
The world has not yet seen and will not see in future also a mighty hero like Sri Hanuman. During his life he worked wonders and exhibited superhuman feats of strength and valour. He has left behind him a name which, as long as the world lasts, will continue wielding a great influence over the minds of millions of people.
He is one of the seven Chiranjivis. He was the only learned scholar who knew the nine Vyakaranas. He learnt the Sastras from the sun-god. He was the wisest of the wise, strongest of the strong and bravest of the brave. He was the Sakti of Rudra. He who meditates on him and repeats his name attains power, strength, glory, prosperity and success in life. He is worshipped in all parts of India, particularly in Maharashtra.
He was born at the most auspicious hour of the morning of the 8th of the Lunar month, Chaitra, at 4 o'clock on the most blessed day, Tuesday.
He had the power to assume any form he liked; to swell his body to an enormous extent and to reduce it to the length of a thumb. His strength was superhuman. He was the terror of Rakshasas. He was well versed in the four Vedas and other sacred books. His valour, wisdom, knowledge of the scriptures and superhuman strength attracted everybody who came near him. He had extraordinary skill in warfare.
He was the chosen messenger, warrior and servant of Sri Rama. He was the votary and devotee of Lord Rama. Rama was his all in all. He lived to serve Rama. He lived in Rama. He lived for Rama. He was a minister and intimate friend of Sugriva.
From his very birth he exhibited extraordinary physical strength and worked many miracles.
When he was a child he put the sun into his mouth. All the gods were very much troubled. They came with folded hands to the child and humbly entreated him to release the sun. The child set free the sun at their request.
Hanuman saw Sri Rama for the first time in Kishkindha. Sri Rama and Lakshmana came there in the course of their search of Sita whom Ravana had carried away.
A Rishi pronounced a curse on Hanuman for his wrong action, that he would remain unconscious of his great strength and prowess till he met Sri Rama and served him with devotion. As soon as Hanuman beheld Sri Rama he became conscious of his strength and power.
In Lanka, Hanuman exhibited his immense strength and extraordinary powers. He destroyed the beautiful grove which was a pleasure resort of Ravana. He uprooted many trees and killed many Rakshasas. Ravana was very much infuriated at this. He sent Jambumali to fight against Sri Hanuman who took the trunk of a tree and hurled it against Jambumali and killed him. Ravana sent his son Aksha to fight against Hanuman. He was also killed. Then he sent Indrajit. Hanuman threw a great tree upon Indrajit. Indrajit fell down senseless on the ground. After some time Indrajit recovered his consciousness. He threw the noose of Brahma on Hanuman. Hanuman allowed himself to be bound by the noose. He wanted to honour Brahma. Indrajit ordered the Rakshasas to carry the monkey to his father's court. Even a hundred Rakshasas were not able to lift Hanuman.
Hanuman made himself as light as possible. The Rakshasas then lifted him up. When they placed him over their shoulders he suddenly became heavy and crushed them to death. Then Hanuman asked the Rakshasas to remove the rope. They removed the rope and Hanuman proceeded to the council hall of Ravana.
Ravana said, "O mischievous monkey, what will you say in your defence? I will put you to death." Hanuman laughed and said, "O wicked Ravana, give back Sita to Lord Rama and ask his pardon; otherwise you will be ruined and the whole of Lanka will be destroyed." These words of Hanuman made Ravana very furious. He asked the Rakshasas to cut off the head of Hanuman.
Vibhishana intervened and said, "O brother, it is not lawful and righteous to kill a messenger. You can inflict some punishment only."
Ravana consented. He wanted to deprive Hanuman of his tail and make him ugly. He ordered the Rakshasas to wrap Hanuman's tail with cloths soaked in oil and ghee. Hanuman extended his tail to such length and size that all the cloths in Lanka would not cover it. Then he reduced his tail of his own accord. The Rakshasas wrapped the tail with cloths soaked in oil and ghee and lighted the cloths. Hanuman expanded his body to an enormous size and began to jump from place to place. The whole of Lanka caught on fire. All the palatial buildings were burnt down to ashes.
Hanuman then jumped into the sea in order to cool and refresh himself. A drop of his perspiration fell into the mouth of a great fish which gave birth to a mighty hero named Makara Dhvaja. Makara Dhvaja is considered the son of Hanuman. Thereupon Hanuman went to the Asoka grove and told Sita all that he had done.
Then he crossed the sea through the air and came to the place where his army was placed. He told them all that had happened. Thereupon they all marched quickly to carry the good news to Sri Rama and Sugriva. They reached the city of Kishkindha. Hanuman gave Sita's ring to Lord Rama. Sri Rama rejoiced heartily. He praised Hanuman and embraced him saying, "O mighty hero I cannot repay your debt."
When all the brothers and sons of Ravana were killed, Ravana sent for his brother Ahi Ravana who was the king of the nether world. Ahi Ravana came to Lanka. Ravana asked his help to fight against Sri Rama and Lakshmana.
Ahi Ravana consented to help his brother. At the dead of night he assumed the form of Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana and an ally and devotee of Sri Rama. He reached the place where Rama and Lakshmana were sleeping. Hanuman was keeping watch. He thought that it was Vibhishana who was coming. Therefore he allowed him to enter the camp. Ahi Ravana quietly took the two brothers upon his shoulders and repaired to his kingdom.
When the day dawned, Hanuman found out that Sri Rama and Lakshmana were missing. He found out that Ahi Ravana had carried them to his kingdom. At once he proceeded to the nether world and received information that Ahi Ravana had made arrangements to kill the two brothers in sacrifice. Hanuman assumed a tiny form, entered the temple and sat over the image of the goddess. The image went down into the earth. Hanuman took her seat. When Ahi Ravana was about to sacrifice the two brothers, Hanuman appeared in his own form and killed him. He installed Makara Dhvaja, his own son on the throne, took the brothers on his shoulders and brought them to Lanka.
Hanuman killed many heroes in the great war. Dhumar, Vajro, Roshat, Ankhan and several other great warriors were killed by him.
When the great war was over, Vibhishana was installed on the throne of Lanka. The time of banishment was about to be over. Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and Sri Hanuman sat in the Pushpaka Vimana or aeroplane and reached Ayodhya in time.
The coronation ceremony of Lord Rama was celebrated with great eclat and pomp. Sita gave Hanuman a necklace of pearls of rare quality. Hanuman received it with great respect and began to break the pearls with his teeth. Sita and other ministers who were sitting in the council hall were quite astonished at this queer act of Hanuman.
Sita asked Hanuman, "O mighty hero, what are you doing? Why do you break the pearls?" Sri Hanuman said, "O venerable mother, it is the most valuable necklace indeed as it has come to me through thy holy hand. But I want to find out whether any of the pearls contain my beloved Lord Rama. I do not keep a thing devoid of him. I do not find him in any of the pearls." Sita asked, "Tell me whether you keep Lord Rama within you." Sri Hanuman immediately tore open his heart and showed it to Sri Rama, Sita and others. They all found Lord Rama accompanied by Sita in the heart of Sri Hanuman.
Lord Rama rejoiced heartily. He came down the throne and embraced Hanuman and blessed him. Sri Hanuman passed the rest of his life in the company of the Lord.
When Sri Rama ascended to his supreme abode, Sri Hanuman also wished to follow him. But the Lord asked him to remain in this world as his representative and attend all the assemblies of men where discourses on his deeds were held and heard, and help his devotees in cultivating devotion.
He is a Chiranjeevi. He is everywhere. He who has eyes and devotion beholds him and receives his blessing.
Hanuman ranks first amongst the heroes of the world. His heroic deeds, wonderful exploits and marvellous feats of strength and bravery cannot be adequately described. His sense of duty was extremely laudable. He had great skill in all military tactics and methods of warfare. His crossing the sea of thirty miles in one leap and lifting the crest of a mountain in the palm of the hand, his carrying of the brothers on his shoulders from the nether world to Lanka are all astounding, superhuman feats which baffle human description.
He conquered innumerable difficulties which cropped up in his way through his courage, patience and undaunted spirit. He made untiring search to find Sita. At the time of danger he exhibited marvellous courage and presence of mind. He was steady and firm in his actions. He was always successful in his attempts. Failure was not known to him. He gave up his life in the service of the Lord. He had not a tinge of selfishness in his actions. All his actions were offerings unto Lord Rama. No one reached the peak in Dasya Bhava like Sri Hanuman. He was a rare jewel among devotees, the supreme head among Pundits, the king among celibates and the commander among heroes and warriors.
O mighty Hanuman, untiring and devoted Sevak of Sri Rama, joy of Anjana, king of Brahmacharins, show us the secrets of Brahmacharya and the ways to attain purity in thought, word and deed. May India have such heroes and Brahmacharins ever more!
Where Hanuman is, there are Sri Rama and Sri Sita and wherever Sri Rama and Sri Sita are praised and their deeds recited, there Hanuman is.
Glory to Hanuman, the blessed devotee of Lord Rama. Glory, glory to Sri Anjaneya, the mighty hero, undaunted warrior and learned Brahmacharin, the like of whom the world has not yet seen and will not see in time to come.
May his blessings be upon you all. Let us sing his glory now...
(2461 / 1680 visits)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Manage your Time
1. Set aside time each day to review and prioritise demand on your time.
2. Take a small chunk of a difficult task, and deal with it straight away.
3. Think through your day while making your way to work
4. Always delegate your tasks that are not time-effective for you to do.
5. Split your working day into chunks of 30 minutes each.
6. Review your time log to assess your work efficiency.
7. Allow for some thinking time in your schedule.
8. Estimate how long a task will take you, and see how accurate you were.
9. Update your time log as often as possible-memory is often unreliable.
10. Break down long term plans into weekly and daily action plan.
11.Draw a flow chart of your career, and plan where you want to go next.
12. Ask for a second opinion if you cannot prioritise competing tasks.
13. Identify conflicts of priority between you and your boss.
14. Find out whether your colleagues priorities conflict with your own.
15. Classify all work engagements in your diary according to their importance.
16. If your schedule is full of A-tasks, then delegate or redefine them.
17. Alter priorities continually in line with changes or new information.
18. To keep discussions short, avoid open-ended questions.
19. Ensure that you have some quiet time every day.
20. Do not be afraid to leave the phone hook.
21. Time your physical and mental peaks so that you know how long they last.
22. Keep some energy for home life and leisure activities after work.
23. Suggest working flexible hours to improve company productivity.
24. Choose a diary that looks good and that you will enjoy using.
25. Always keep your pen in your diary for noting information and dates.
26. Use coloured pens to denote tasks of varying importance.
27. Set realistic deadlines. A deadline is meant to be helpful, not a major cause of stress.
28. Delegate enjoyable tasks as well as unpleasant ones
29. Reward yourself when you meet your deadlines
30. Plan your diary no more than one year ahead.
31. Make sure you do at least one thing every day that you enjoy.
32. Read a passage by your favourite author last thing at night.
33. Concentrate on your colleagues' and clients' positive attributes.
34. Use an organizer to list weaknesses, and then plan how to combat them, one by one.
35. Keep your desk clear of everything but the current job in hand.
36. Beware of self-sticking notes. They are easily lost.
37. Clear up daily. Never leave a mess for the morning.
38. Highlight key points on paperwork to speed up rereading.
39. Position a clock in your office so it is visible to you and to visitors.
40. Review your filing system at least every few months.
41. Set up a filing system that will grow with you and your business.
42. Go through your files regularly and discard documents that you no longer need.
43. File papers with no obvious home in a folder labelled " Miscellaneous".
44. File only essential documents that will be referred in future.
45. Ask your secretary or a colleague to screen incoming phone calls for you.
46. Pick up the phone to indicate the end of a meeting.
47. Do not sit down if you are followed into your office.
48. Place your chair out of view if your door is open.
49. Throw away any information that you think you do not need.
50. Keep all chance meetings short by standing- it will then be easier to get away.
51. Copy information only to those who need to know.
52. Stop subscriptions to magazines you no longer read.
53. Remove magazine and newspaper articles you wish to keep, and file them for reference.
54. Assess each piece of information for its relevance to current projects.
55. Keep only essential reading on your desk.
56. Think before you interrupt anyone. Their time is as valuable as yours.
57. Call a meeting only after considering other options.
58. Do not make assumptions about work colleagues.
59. Take a deep, relaxing breath before you make a phone call.
60. Avoid distractions when taking on the phone. Focus on what the caller is saying.
61. When making a phone call, have another project to hand to work on in case you are kept waiting.
62. Tell people when they can call you, and note the time in your diary.
63. Reroute your calls when you want to avoid interruptions.
64. Never delay dealing with any written material-it will just mount up.
65. Underline key phrases in reports you have to read.
66. Skim-read the headlines in your daily newspaper.
67. Keep essential reference material separate from your other documents and papers.
68. Clear unwanted documents from your computer once a month.
69. Consider carefully your computing requirements.
70. Keep your e-mail messages short, and address them accurately.
71. Encourage people to express views, even if they are contrary to yours.
72. Ask a colleague to interrupt "urgently" if a routine meeting lasts over an hour.
73. Keep meetings short by listening rather than talking.
74. Allocate a specific amount of time to each subject on an agenda.
75. Encourage people to attend only the parts of a meeting that concern them.
76. Remind everyone what was agreed at a meeting in a follow-up memo.
77. Before travelling, assess whether the trip is necessary and cost-effective.
78. If possible, fit everything you need to take into one small piece of hand luggage.
79. Take work to do in an airport lounge in case of delays.
80. Set your watch to the local time at your destinations.
81. Check how much your hotel charges for phone calls before making any.
82. Find out whether you need adapters for your electrical equipment abroad.
83. Take two or three short holidays instead of one long one.
84. Schedule regular time off to pursue your hobbies and leisure interests.
85. Aim to experience something new everyday.
86. Maintain high expectations, and people will live up to them.
87. Persuade others of your case using facts, not emotions.
88. Take an interest in what others are trying to achieve.
89. Hearing is not the same as listening. Learn to listen.
90. Make sure you define objectives clearly when you delegate a task.
91. Reserve some time for the task that you only can do.
92. Keep a checklist to help you monitor the progress of tasks that you have delegated to others. 93. Reward good work generously, and chastise in moderation.
94. Set precise and realistic deadlines for tasks that you delegate.
95. Try not to allow colleagues to distract you with unimportant issues.
96. Hold meetings in colleagues' offices, so you can leave when you need to.
97. Set aside special times when your office is open to all.
98. Visit colleagues only when you have more than one issue to discuss.
99. Be aware of your boss's working patterns, and try to adapt to them.
100. Ask about your boss's home life-it will help to build up a relationship.
101. Remember that time is perfectly democratic. Nobody has more or less of it than you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Old Calcutta
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

1) Kumar Sachin Deb, as he was known in his younger days, came to Calcutta with the reputation of a budding folk singer. Incidentally, his roots are at Royal family of Tripura.
2) His guru Krishna Chandra Dey was , a blind singer, was also the uncle of Manna Dey.
3) Dada's first attempt in films was as an actor-singer for the film Yahudi Ki Ladki where he was replaced at the last moment by another stalwart of yesteryears Pahadi Sanyal.
4) Dada came to Bombay in 1941, not as a composer but in the capacity of a playback singer. The first solo he sang was for a film Taj Mahal. The composer was Madhavlal Master.
5) Disillusioned with Bollywood, Dada once left Bombay in 1951, only to return back after some time. Manna Dey completed the score of Mashaal, which Dada had left incomplete.
6) Dada had a unique way of judging the vocal condition of singers. Very early in the morning after his morning walk he used to call them from his 'Jet Bungalow', and Listen to the singers' voice over the phone.
7) One day when Dada was in the way of routine morning walk, he saw a person was saying that "He is the father of Rahul Dev Burman by pointing him. As Dada returned home he hugged Pancham. this was the moment in his life bigger than his all successful films.
8) During recordings Dada used to control all aspects of recording, ie. Orchestral Architecture and Oral Tuning of singers. Once it happened that an extra violinist was playing in the orchestra. Dada instantly sought to know through recordist's mike that why that unwanted violinist was there. "But dada, he has already come and and we have to pay him." reply came. "Then pay him and let him go! I want one, and only one violin in this song." Dada said.
9) Jaidev Verma, Dada's assistants was a sarod player cum guitarist who achieved a generous amount of success as the composer of films like Hum Dono, Prem Parvat and Kinare Kinare.
11) C. Ramachandra on request by the studio owner, partially arranged the music for "Shikari" Dada's first film as a composer in Bombay, With a condition that his name should not appear on the record.
12) He used to go to the The Bombay Powai Lake for fishing on holidays and often used to spend the entire day fishing, often without much success.
13) There'd be good-natured bantering between them. "Baba," Pancham would pout, "you don't give me enough pocket money." And Dada would laugh back, "Oi Pancham, when are you going to contribute to the kitchen expenses?"
14) Whenever the son would try to shuffle out quietly from the music room, Dada would say, "Jao jao, I know you want to smoke a cigarette."
15) When Pancham-da and Asha-ji planned to get married, they conveyed their concerns to Dada. Sitting next to Dada, Asha-ji waiting for his words, after a long silence he told that "Pancham is our only son, a divine gift God blessed us after a lot of prayers. Now he is in your hands with a hope that both you will devote to music and give new dimensions".
16) When Dada hummed the tune for "Yeh raat yeh chandi phir kahan" (Jaal), Sahir laughed. When Dada suggested that he would use Hemant Kumar's vocals for this number, Sahir was in raptures. Dada stuck on to his choice and the song was a very big hit.
16) In "Chhod do aanchal, zamana kya kahega". Asha Bhonsle responded with "Aah", Dada of course asked her to begin the song with that "Aah" to react in a manner as if somebody was pulling her saree.
17) Lata-ji did not sing for Dada for a stretch of five years. When she did come back, it was with a vengeance and her first number with Dada was a remarkable piece in musical artistry was "Jogi jab se tu aaya mere dwaare" (Bandini).
18) For Pancham-da's composition "Chunri sambhaal gori." Dada give the final touch by simply introducing an exclamation 'Aha' between the lines of the mukhda when sung in refrain.
21) "Kaahe ko roye, Chahe jo hoye" sung by Dada (Hindi) was retained in both the Hindi and the Bangla (dubbed) version of the film "Aradhana".
22) During the one-year coma preceding his death Dada rarely reacted to any external stimuli, When Panchamda gave him the news that East Bengal had drubbed Mohan Bagan 5-0 in the IFA Shield Final. He did smile, faintly, once.
23) For his compositions he used to take inspiration from real life events and feelings. he used to roam aound on the roads. It's very rare that sat down with a harmonium to compose music. like for "Jaayen to jaayen kahan" he might have got lost, for "Ye raat ye chaandani phir kahaan" might be composed at looking through a window on a moonlit night, Looking far away at nothing in particular, as if looking for some lost treasure, he gave us the gems, "Tum na jaane kis jahan mein kho gaye".
23) He was a great innovator when it came to experimenting with instruments in a composition and well known for his last minute improvisations.
24) The trend in the industry where they believed in the principle of one playback singer for one hero in one film, for them, it was Mukesh for Raj Kapoor, Kishor Kumar for Rajesh Khanna, Mohd.Rafi for the irrepressible Shammi Kapoor and Dilip Kumar. Dada was differ from them. Repeatedly, he used more than one voice for the same artiste in the same film. Dada chose the playback singer depending on Mood and the situation where his song would be used in the film and not by which voice matched the actor's voice most. Thus, Kishore Kumar, Mohammed Rafi and Mukesh sung for Amitabh in Abhiman and no one in the audience could noticed the switch while watching the movie. Similarly Rafi, Kishore and Manna Dey offered their voices for Dev Anand in Manzil. On Raj Kapoor in the film Pyaar Dada first experiment with the voice of Kishore Kumar. In the meanwhile, he was experimenting with the voice of Mukesh on Dev Anand and Dilip Kumar. In "Sagina" Kishor Kumar's voice used for Dilip Kumar. Surprisingly he has used Manna Dey on Kishore Kumar in "Naughty Boy".
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Why was Sourav out of the team?

The topic of this post “Why Sourav was out of the team?” is more of a light topic without any intention to hurt the sentiments of any player and their fans.
Sourav made Dravid the wicket keeper, when Sourav was the southpaw and Dravid had to do the daunting task behind the wickets without loss of concentration even for a single moment, during the game. So Dravid made a vow to the Wicket God that “Mujhe Captain bana dijiye, isko (pointing at Sourav) to main sabse pehle team se bahar karunga kyuki mujhe har waqt ball ko dekhna padhta hain, jab meri teammates ball kam, gallery pe baithe hue ladkiyon ko zaada dekhta hain”.
All the BEST to our DADA for his future ventures, be it inside or outside the hundred yards. We, your FANS are always with you.