I am a lover of pickles and chutneys. Every day while having my lunch or dinner, I need some or other chutney or pickle. They need to be sour and not sweet. I do not like sweet chutney or pickles. Usually from the markets, I buy them in grams every week to satisfy my taste.
Actually, I do not like the factory made pickles, which are sold in sealed bottles with huge brand names on their side. I am not naming those brands but these pickles loose their taste once their bottle seals are opened. They become much more salty. I hat them like anything.
I really loved the sour pickles that are made by grandmas and aunties in their houses. They are delicious. I also love the pickles, which are sold loose in the markets in fixed weights. You can try them out and the factory made ones and let me which one taste better.
At times when I don’t have these pickles /chutneys at my home stock, then I myself prepare one of the 3 tasty solo-salads that I have mentioned below. One needs to be a lover of chilli salads to try my 3 types of solo salads.
I’m calling them solo-salads for some obvious reasons. Normally salads are made of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions mixed together with lemon juices. They are good in taste but I have noticed that when cucumber comes in contact with onion, the whole preparation becomes bitter in taste.
So I have invented 3 types of solo-salads.
1st Type of Solo Salad. –Tomato-Chilli Sauce.
Requirements:- 1) 1 Tomato 2) 1 Chilli 3) ¼ tablespoon of salt
How to Prepare:-
Take a tomato. Crush it inside a porcelain bowl and make a paste out of it by your hand. Add the ¼ the tablespoon of salt to it. The tomato paste becomes a dense paste. Take the chilli and crush it on the paste by your hand your hand. Mix it well. Your sauce it ready. It is now ready to be served with samosas or junk food. It can also be had with lunch/dinner.
2nd Type of Solo Salad. – Cucumber-Chilli Salad.
Requirements:- 1) 1 Cucumber cut into small scraps. 2) 1 Chilli 3) ¼ tablespoon of salt 4) ½ piece of a Lemon
How to Prepare:-
Take the cucumber. Cut it into fine scraps (the more small pieces the better). Take it into a porcelain bowl. Add ¼ tablespoon salt to it. Add the lemon juice to it. Crush a chilli over it. Mix it thoroughly with you hand. Your salad it ready. It can be had with a boring lunch/dinner.
3rd Type of Solo Salad. – Hot-Onion-Chilli Salad
Requirements:- 1) 1 Onion cut into small pieces. 2) 1 Chilli 3) ¼ tablespoon of salt 4) ½ piece of a Lemon
How to Prepare:-
This preparation is the strongest among all the three. Take the small pieces of onion. Treat it with lemon and crushed chilli and salt like the above two. Mix them well with your hand inside a porcelain bowl. It is then ready to be served with lunch/dinner or meals.
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By now you might have understood why I have called them solo-salads. Yes they are used one at a time. That is why. Don’t mix up the three dishes together. They would taste bitter. You can prepare any one of them or if you prepare two or three of the above, then do so in separate bowls.
Try them out at your home and tell me. They taste great. Once you get addicted to these three, I’m confident that you will not be able to have your meals without them. They are so tasty.
This the month of May and in Kolkata, it is the hottest month of the year, when the temperatures rise to about 52 degree celsius. I see people sweating all through out the day. Those who can afford air conditioners, it is okay for them but those who don’t have it or cannot afford one are the victims.
Before 1997, there used to be power cuts (popularly known as load shedding in this part of the world) every day for a definite period of time. Now it has almost become nil. This proves that our country is progressing in terms of basic amenities for the city dwellers. But nothing could be done to cope with the hot, humid weather.
I have noticed some queer thing in this Hot, Humid Weather.
Yes, people in this hot weather are getting angry. So much angry that it is reaching great heights and people are taking some unnecessary big decisions. Just in the similar manner, my LIFE had a fight with me two days ago and decided to leave me forever. After that she did not receive my calls or talk to me. I have planned to stay away from her till the next season arrives. Normally girls get much angrier because they take complete bath once a week, which is responsible for keeping their head burning. So boys, stay away from them till monsoon.
Our neighbours are our relatives and they have a son and a daughter around 10 years old, who fight among each other almost through out the day making queer loud noises. Every time someone from our house hears those noises, they raise their eyebrows and try to imagine from where could such strange noises come out and their reason without much success.
It was noticed that in this hot season, the fights between this particular brother and sister have risen considerably. Even the mother of these two children had a quarrel with her mother in law on the day when it recorded the highest temperatures in this season.
The hot-talk fever grasped my home too. My dad was really angry on me one day and started scolding me for some unknown reasons. I was in a pathetic situation. Neither could I leave my important work and go outside our home, nor could I concentrate on my work.
My maternal grand mother (MUM), also had a hot talk with my mother over some issues like domestic help and so on…….of which I had no interest.
My sister also was so angry at her exam preparations that she almost planned to stop laughing for the next two months till her exam results come out.
These are many such incidents, which took place around me in the last few days, which made me think over this issue seriously. I thought and thought over it for hours and at last came to a conclusion, why people are getting so much angry and involving themselves into hot-talks and quarrels.
Yes it is the HOT, SUNNY weather that is nagging us all to raise our blood pressures and do things, which are not meant to be done.
Only one remedy can be prescribed for such a disease. Take lots of bath in a single day in cold water or get yourself dipped in the nearest swimming pool till you are contented that your anger has reduced.
Vikram J Tanna, my school friend being the owner of Mansi Publishing House invites all youngsters from Kolkata as well as from places outside Kolkata to visit this gala event at the place mentioned below.
Hope you will be present at the event if you are reading this blog.
Mansi Publishing House and Landmark, Kolkata presents
a theatre double bill of “Re-Contextualising Classics”
Best of Kolkata Campus Production
ABOUT AESCHYLUS: ABOUT OEDIPUS - texts by Badal Sircar & Joy Goswami
FAIL AGAIN FAIL BETTER - A text - visual encounter
Beckett Direction
design : Parnab Mukherjee
6.00 pm on Tuesday, 09 May, 2006
Emami Landmark Store Pvt. Ltd. 3, Lord Sinha Road Kolkata – 700 071
I have read somewhere that there was a superstition in India that if somebody dreamt of a toad, then he was sure to become the next king of his country after defeating the current king. Seeing a kangaroo in your dreams foretells unexpected and exciting trips. People often see themselves falling from a great height in their dreams.
One needs to be a Para-Psychology Specialist to figure out the meanings of these dreams.
Can any one of you tell me, what happens if one dreams of an aeroplane / helicopter?
Some of you may say that dreaming of aeroplane/helicopter means one wants to be free and will be traveling to far of places, soon.
But dear, my dream is a bit different.
Let me explain. I had dreamt two uncommon dreams recently. Both of the dreams were in the dawn and people say that dreams of dawns turn out to be true. I’m really scared if they are true.
The first dream I dreamt was on around 5.00am in the morning on 21st of April, 2006.
Dream 1: - The Burning Aeroplane.
On a very special day (some occasion day), my daddy and I were waiting on the balcony of our 2nd floor room for some guests to arrive at our home. This balcony faces the western sky and I saw a plane approaching from north to south in the western sky.
As the plane was just in front of us in the western sky, I showed my daddy that how spectacular sight it was to see a plane from so close a distance. Both of us were staring at the plane and enjoying its beauty.
Suddenly there was a loud sound “BOOOOOM” and a flash of light. The sound seemed like an explosion and soon the whole plane was burning. Just after the sound the plane fell down on the river Ganges just in from of us in a projectile motion.
I was really very afraid to see such a horrifying sight. My heart cried for the innocent passengers inside the plane.
Within 5 minutes news channels like India TV, Aaj Tak, Doordarshan News, CNBC, BBC, NDTV, Sahara Samay, CNN, Headlines Today started telecasting the news. Bengali news channels like Star Ananda and Kolkata TV also showed how the plane exploded and fell into the Ganges.
I even saw people running here and there, in panic and the city streets were filled with RAF. Thus there was tension and fear all over peoples mind.
Dream 2: -The Crashing Helicopter.
The 2nd dream I dreamt was on around 4.00am in the morning on 28th of April, 2006.
It was dawn and all of us were sleeping in our beds and suddenly we heard a loud sound over our head and our building started shaking as if there was an earthquake.
Someone shouted that something had happened on the terrace of our neighbour’s house. I ran at our terrace and saw that on the terrace of our neighbour’s house, a helicopter has crashed and it was in flames. It has made a big hole on the terrace and entered the house. So only the tail could be seen.
Seeing this sight I ran towards our third floor and saw that due to the effect of crash, our wall adjacent to our neighbour’s house, showed huge crack marks. The vibration was so intense that it shook all the buildings and made a hole on our third floor ceiling too.
I was struck with horror. Again I saw people running here and there with stretchers and understood that our neighbours have been injured. Every one was panicked. Police vehicles, ambulances were waiting with their hooters on and revolving searchlights.
I don’t understand what these two dreams actually meant. I myself don’t believe in superstitions and so did not give much attention to these dreams.
But I’m sure that my blogger friends would like to read about these dreams, so I thought of posting them here. Hope you can figure out the meanings of my dreams.
If any of you have similar dreams then let me know. I would love to read them.
The recent brutal killing of an Indian Engineer named K Suryanarayana in Kandahar, Afghanistan by the Taliban has outraged all Indians and the whole world.
Suryanarayan, 41, from Hyderabad was an employee of the Bahrain-based company. He was abducted from Zabul province, where he had been working on a telecom project.
When I heard this incident, some names immediately came to my mind like :-
Afganisthan of Mahabharata times = Afganishtan of Modern times, Talibans = Duryodhana the eldest son of Kauravas, modern Kandahar = Gandhar town of Gandhari, Duryodhana's mother, from the name of the place Gandhar, the name Gandhari.
Yes some of you have understood what I want to say.
Duryodhana, the eldest son of Kauravas (who was defeated by the Pandavas in the great battle of Kurukshetra in the epic called Mahabharata) had no difference from the Talibans.
Duryodhana during his times was like the Talibans of today killing innocent people, having no respect for women, attrocities, reign of terror all over and terrorism.
Both Talibans and Duryodhana have similar qualities. "Harassing innocent people". Yes Duryodhana's mother Gandhari was from Kandahar(originally called Gandhar which sounds similar to Kandahar), which is now in Afganisthan. So more or less, Duryodhana has some ties with Kandahar and Afganisthan.
So it is clear that the way Duryodhana had bitter feelings for the Indians of that time, today's Talibans are no different as both belong to the same place. They feel worse for the Indians. So Indians take it easy and dont get surprised if Talibans try to cause harm to you as it is inherited by them from the times of Mahabharata starting from Duryodhana.
I wonder when the modern Pandavas will wipe out the modern Kauravas from causing harm to we Indians. But "history repeats itself" and we are confident that Pandavas will again come and wipe out these modern Kauravas, may be in the form of Indian Army.
My name is Vaijayanta Chattoraj. I'm a simple guy. Simplicity is my identity. I like to dream a lot. I'm working hard to make my DREAMZ come true. I am a Software Engineer by Profession. I am also an MBA in Systems. By passion I am a singer, a blogger and a photographer. You can catch me up at vaichatt@gmail.com